Sunday, 18 October 2015

Website Draft

After sorting out my social media profiles, I have gone onto draft out an initial website design to give me an idea in what my personal website could look like as I plan to create one which would house my portfolio and other personal work.


I have taken inspiration from other environment artist websites as they all seem to have the same tendencies in which they have bright text upon a dark background with a small splash of colour which makes you focus on the images of their work more than the text while also making it easy to read if you need to go to another page or find out the contact information. I also like the website above from Wiktor Öhman as it shows the images in small thumbnails which then when clicked on takes you down to the larger image. I want to incorporate this into my own website as I feel that it is very sleek and modern while also showing off the whole image at the top and then going into more detail below.


I have taken inspiration from Steven Skidmore with his minimalistic menu at the top of his page as I feel that it looks very professional as it is clear and concise however doesn't keep the attention from the images below, so I also plan on having the top menu bar across all the pages so that you can quickly navigate back and forth throughout the website while also having my portfolio pieces on the front page so that the best work is readily available to see as soon as you go onto the website. I also want to make sure that the website is quick to load when displaying the images as from research I have found that personally the worst thing to stumble across when looking at portfolios is when it takes time for the image to load even if the work itself is good. I think I need to get feedback and also make a few different designs for my website layout and colour scheme before I set one up towards the end of the year.

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