This week we were tasked to look over some portfolio's so that we know what we need to put on our own and also what things to avoid to make our portfolio look bad for a potential employer. One portfolio that I thought was a high standard was Wiktor Ohman's website. He is a 3D Prop and Environment artist, I like his website because it clearly shows all his best work on the front page in a thumb-nailed format that so you can click straight onto an image of his work which will then bring up the large image quickly. He also has clear images of each piece of work which highlight all areas which are laid out well, his contact details are also at the top of the page which are easily accessible for anyone viewing his website. One downfall is that he doesn't have very much information regarding poly count or UV and texture layouts for each image. Overall I think he has a good portfolio as it clearly shows his work.
One not so good portfolio that I came across when doing research is a website from Steven Skidmore. I found that he wasn't clearly displaying much of his own work on his website as some of the pages just had trailers on, and if he did any of the artwork in it didn't highlight the parts he worked on. Another bad thing about his website is that he doesn't have any of his contact information on any of the pages within his website not even an email address for a potential employer to get in touch. One final thing if that even though it states that he is an environment artist he has got a lot more props and vehicles that environment art on his website which doesn't back up him being in the environment art field.
I have also been looking at show reels on YouTube and have found one which clearly shows the work in a professional manner and to a high standard while also keeping my interest throughout the whole video being a minute and a half. Even though this show reel is based towards concept art and character development I think that I will be using some techniques in my own portfolio and show reel as I feel that it is very stylish and modern which makes it stand out against a variety of other show reels.
Overall I need to make sure that I make my own portfolio to a high standard and to make sure that I don't overlook and small errors such as not putting my contact information on it.
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