Thursday, 22 October 2015


I have been looking at various show-reels to try and get some idea's about the kind of style that my personal show-reel will feature in the end product. I particularly like this show-reel which I found on the website, "Artstation" which is a more art focused website, due to the fact that it clearly shows his work even though it is in a film with other peoples work by showing the whole scene then focusing on his work on it owns which makes it stand out. I also like the fact that even though he is showing multiple views however the show-reel as a whole has a nice pacing as it keeps you interested throughout and doesn't get boring even though it being a two and a half minute long show reel. Overall I like the flow and feel of the show reel and hope to incorporate some of the ideas.

Benedetti, M. (2015) VFX Showreel 2015, Mathieu Benedetti. Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2015).

On the other side of the coin I have also been keeping my eyes out for any not so good show-reels that I can learn from and make sure that I don't make the same mistakes, I have chosen this show-reel from you-tube as I feel that it is very slow paced and a little boring as it doesn't have a lot of content which properly shows off his work as for each prop her only has a 360 turntable view and then a view of the UV map with the texture on it, which doesn't properly show off the topology for the prop and each scene feels very drawn out as it is a three minute show-reel for only 4 props. Another thing is that some of the shots go off the edge of the screen so as the viewer you can't properly see the whole asset on the screen at once, it also doesn't give any description of what the prop is or what software he has used to get the end result. I want to make sure that in my own show-reel I don't make the same mistakes and also that I properly plan out the show-reel before hand to make sure that the finished product is to a high standard.

infectedflinch (2015) 3D Modelling Showreel 2015. Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2015).

Overall I have found a few traits that can be found in most show-reels is that the optimal time that a show-reel should be is between the 1:30 - 2:00 minute mark depending on the work shown. If you have a small amount of work then keep the show-reel short with lots of variations in the camera angles as some of the show-reels that we watched as a group managed to get a little boring when you see the same thing from 5 different shots. I think in my own show-reel I will look towards making it around the 1:30 minute mark as that  seems to be a good time in the middle ground. 

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