Sunday, 22 November 2015


Researching into personal websites and portfolio's I have come across "Artstation", which is an art focused social network where people can upload artwork to their own page and collate it all into a portfolio page which they can get feedback from others with the option to like, comment and share a piece of work or just show off any work that they are proud of.

In addition to this it also has a job section where employers can broadcast job openings much like a normal job website which gives all the details of the job roles and how to apply. This is at the top of the homepage so that the first thing you see when arriving to the website is job openings which is very helpful to anyone looking for jobs. From then you can click on the specific job section which will go into more detail on each job.

Furthermore to uploading work you when you sign up to ArtStation you can create your own portfolio page which will have all your work together for potential employers, luckily the layout is similar to a style that I want my own portfolio to look like by having small thumbnails of pieces that I have created which are links to a more detailed page describing that asset. As well as the portfolio page it also has a website area, where you can create your own website which will have any work that you have uploaded onto ArtStation on that website and you can customise it in any way you see fit. I am currently in the development stage to get the right look following from earlier designs that I created in photo-shop.

The overall use and importance of ArtStation for creating an initial on-line presence in the games industry is massive compared to anything else I have come across via research. It has all the tools I need such as website and portfolio hosting, job opportunities and community feedback in one place which are easily accessed and free of any cost, with a sleek and modern design which is why I have chosen it to help me with this module and the next step in my career within this industry.

ArtStation (2015) Available at: 

1 comment:

  1. I like this idea James are you putting your work on Art Station, it would be interesting to see how you do. let us know.
