Facebook is a very popular social media site which is good for setting up personal artwork pages so that you can gain followers who can keep track of my work, I have chosen to set up a page myself so that when I have completed work I can update my page to show off that piece of work and then get feedback and comments on what I need to improve upon on my next piece. I will also use this page to function as a 'back-up' portfolio as it will have some of the same work as my portfolio as well as other pieces that I don't put on my portfolio which potential employers may look at. Personally I think that it is beneficial to have a face-book page as I can put anything I want on their such as things not related to show reel and other pieces of work that may not be related to my speciality but work that I complete in my own time. In addition to this I am looking to make a twitter page to show as many people as possible my work.
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