Sunday, 27 September 2015

Job Opportunity

Looking at one job opportunity on the map we were tasked to highlight all the things that we have got that is relevant to the job and also as an Artist what we need to work on to make sure that we are able to get a job at the end of our studies,

After going through my copy there were a few things that I needed to work on that I haven't got at the moment which would hold my back when applying for this job, such as previous experience and shipped titles, extensive use of 3DStudio Max, Quixel software, a portfolio and extensive experience in a wide range of vehicle modelling which at the present time I haven't got. There are also a few different area's in which I make the requirements for this job, which are all the interpersonal requirements which I have acquired from working in another field which have transferred over, car modelling experience, PBR and photo-shop experience. I think that this provides me with a lot of information as it shows me what level my skills are at at the moment and where I need to develop so that I can look at applying for jobs similar to this. To further my overall development I need to keep looking into more job offers this week and comparing the skills that I haven't got which are holding my back so that I know what I need to thoroughly work on before the end of the year.

Professional Portfolio Development

Following the introductory lecture for this module we were tasked to find as many job opportunities in our hopeful job specialisation within the UK, with myself wanting to go into the Environment Artists role as I find designing game worlds and levels personally more interesting while also thinking about my own technical limits and thinking to myself at this stage I am currently nowhere near the level to go for a character artists job which in the long run would also be an opportunity to pursue once I have honed my skills. After doing some research I found a few jobs which were based in the UK and added to the list made by the group, in total we found over 90 jobs across the UK and the world together which gave us all around 2 jobs each, however if you add up all the other graduates that are finishing their courses in other Universities and also other professionals that would apply for those jobs it would make the probability of getting a job pretty slim which gives a certain importance to this module as a whole so that as graduates we can come away with the best portfolio possible so that we all stand a good chance at getting a job.

From doing research I have found out that making a high quality portfolio depends on a number of different reasons however a few of the top ones is to make sure that your portfolio is clear, concise, easily accessible and finally that quality work almost always exceeds quantity of work. I think that if I can follow a number of these steps while also taking into account advice from others I will be able to make a high quality Environmental portfolio for when I finish my university education.